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Our Process

Our Processes

Our processes for writing, promoting, and publishing books have been refined over two decades and are backed by a track record of success. These processes will guide you through each step, from writing your book to promoting your book.

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The 4 Pillars of Communication

Legendary publisher Ray Bard of Bard Press researched bestselling nonfiction books and observed a pattern. Bestselling books are written using the 4 Pillars of Communication. Michael R. Drew turned this research into a proprietary book outlining process that is a deceptively simple process that shuts down your left brain so you can create a full book outline in under 30 minutes. It is the ultimate cure for writer’s block and best of all, following the process is quick and often fun and liberating for aspiring authors.


The Big Idea gets the reader's attention by introducing them to something new, different, or surprising that they can use to improve something in their lives.

BIG IDEA image


Stories demonstrate the Big Idea to the reader by showing them the idea in action in the real world.

STORY image


This gives readers all the details and steps they need to implement the possibilities they read in the story.

NUTS & BOLTS image


This pillar ties the other 3 Pillars together and convinces the reader that they can make something happen in their own reality.

HOPE image

Our Promotion Process

Our book promotion process turns the publication of your book an event.

You may recall that as J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books grew increasingly popular with each successive title, retailers (and the publisher) created something special out of each release.

You’ve read reports and seen television news segments about the all-night parties with readers dressed as their favorite Harry Potter characters, camping out at bookstores in eager anticipation of the midnight release.

What you may not have known is how orchestrated the sales of every Potter book were.

When each Harry Potter title was announced, up to two years before its actual release, people would go to stores and pre-order the book, or do the same online. The publisher, and retailers, would agree to embargo the book so that all data for those sold copies would be released on the very same day (often beginning at midnight).

On that official opening day, those accumulated, pent-up sales would be dumped into the retailers’ reporting systems and the book would launch at number one, often breaking day and week sales records.

Our book promotion process turns the publication of your book an event.

Orchestrating Your Own Bestseller Launch

Publishers and retailers work together to create this kind of marketing and sales approach for only one or two books a year, and not the 99.9% of other books that are published. Promote A Book does this with every title it works with, with every author it represents.

We “embargo” the book,in effect, asking retailers to hold sales until the publisher’s prescribed sales date (other times, often books are sold before their official release). We do exactly what a publisher would do with a book, only we work with the retailers directly.

Orchestrating Your Own Bestseller Launch

We take orders, sell the book to the consumer, and hold those sales until the release of the book

It’s a controlled release that’s entirely above board and ethical.

And just as with the phenomenally successful Harry Potter books, your book becomes an instant best seller, thanks to actual sales from actual individual consumers who have bought actual books at an actual retailer. Our clients don’t warehouse books or buy in bulk: their books are sold to readers, and those books become best sellers.

We take orders, sell the book to the consumer, and hold those sales until the release of the book

What Can We Do For You?

Write Your Book

Write Your Book

Writing a book? Let us help

Let Us Help Write Your Book
Promote Your Book

Promote Your Book

Get your book out into the world

Start Promoting Now
Publish Your Book

Publish Your Book

Wrote a book? Get it published

Get Your Book Published

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