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Which Model is Best

Getting Published
Which Model is Best For You?

It's best to understand the publishing landscape before you begin the journey of writing and promoting your book. Traditional publishing is often seen as the gold standard, but it’s not the only option. Fewer than 10% of authors make significant money from book sales alone, so true value lies in how your book amplifies your business, personal brand, and it’s impact on the world. Explore the 3 different publishing models to determine which one best meets the goals you have for your book.

Getting Published
Which Model is Best For You?


Co-publishing strikes a balance between traditional and self-publishing, offering authors a middle ground. In this model, while you invest in the publishing costs, you enjoy higher profit margins per book, retain your rights, and have significant control over marketing and distribution. It's a partnership where risks are shared, and so are the rewards. However, this model requires you to be more involved in the publishing process, from marketing to selling to retailers, which might be a disadvantage for those authors who are looking for a hands-off approach.


Traditional Publishing

Traditional publishing, represented by the Big Five New York-based publishers—Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Hachette, Macmillan, and Simon & Schuster—remains a coveted path for many authors. These giants control a significant portion of the U.S. book market, offering the prestige of association and the benefit of their vast distribution networks. Opting for traditional publishing means the publisher covers the costs of publishing and marketing, albeit at the expense of lower profits per book for the author and less creative control. This route is ideal for authors who seek the recognition and resources that come with established industry players but it requires a willingness to navigate the competitive selection process and to collaborate within the publishers' frameworks. Other publishing paths are equally valid.

Traditional Publishing


Self-publishing is where you have complete control. Authors take on the roles of writer, publisher, and marketer, bearing all costs but also keeping all profits. This model offers the highest level of creative freedom and financial return per book, making it ideal for entrepreneurs and authors looking to build or enhance their personal brand. But it also demands a significant investment of time and resources into marketing and distribution. While some in the industry used to view self-publishing with skepticism, it's become a powerful and profitable option for writers who seek autonomy and direct engagement with their audience.





Book Rights

Publisher licenses

Author owns

Author owns

Publishing Expenses

Publisher covers

Author covers

Author covers

Marketing Expenses

Author covers

Author covers

Author covers

Signing Bonus

Most of the time




1%-10% of sales price, paid every six months

10%-50% of sales price, paid every six months

100% of the profit immediately upon sale

When to Use
  • When you don't have the money to pay for editing, publishing, and marketing expenses.

  • When you want an advance.

  • When you don’t want to assume all the financial risk for the creation of the book.

  • When you’re OK with lower up-front costs, but lower long-term profit because of lower royalties.

  • When you have the money to pay for marketing and publishing expenses, but want to maximize distribution.

  • When you can forego money up front in order to make more money on each book.

  • When you have a limited budget.

  • When you're just building your platform.

  • When you can’t find a traditional publisher.

  • When you want to maximize your revenue on each book.

  • When you want to keep the rights to your book.

Eligible to Become a Bestseller




Which Publishing
Model is Best for You?

Are You...

  1. dotStarting to build a profile?
  2. dotLooking to attract an audience?
  3. dotSearching for a more modest commitment?
  4. dotWant the flexibility of print-on-demand?
  5. Self Publishing
  6. Self publishing has lost its stigma and has great online distribution via Amazon. It also allows you to scale supply to demand with a minimal up-front cost.
  7. Get Help Writing Your Book
  8. If you’re not dead-set on a Big 5 Publisher, but you are dead-set on Best Seller Success and full scale promotion. Cranberry Press is your best option.

Are You...

  1. dotAlready well known?
  2. dotWith a sizeable audience?
  3. dotA solid literary agent?
  4. dotSerious about making the NYT’s Best Seller List?
  5. Traditional Publishing
  6. or possibly Co-Publishing will depend on how much financial investment you’re willing to make and how much control you want to keep.
  7. Co-Publishing with Us
  8. If you’re not dead-set on a Big 5 Publisher, but you are dead-set on Best Seller Success and full scale promotion. Cranberry Press is your best option.

Are You...

  1. dotLooking to your raise your profile to the next level?
  2. dotWith a great network?
  3. dotAn ability to take on an 18 month commitment?
  4. dotSerious about making your book a Best-Seller
  5. Co-Publishing
  6. You won’t get the attention or effort you’ll need from a traditional publisher. A self-publishing doesn’t provide the distribution you’ll need to make the profile raising difference you seek.`,
  7. Co-Publishing with Us
  8. Lots of publishers can and will co-publish with you, but none as book promotion savvy or as committed to bridging the book success to business success gap.

Schedule a Consult

Our team will help you determine what services are right for you based on your goals. Please review our book writing, coaching, publishing, or marketing services before scheduling a consult.

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