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Promote Process

What Would Happen if Your Book Became a Best Seller?

It’s the difference between getting your name out and having the world beat a path to your door.

It’s the difference between incremental and exponential growth. It’s the difference between gaining some exposure and achieving explosive success.

What is it? It’s the difference between being a published author and a bestselling author.


How Will You Promote Your Book?

Creating a best seller is 90% knowledge, secrets, and timing, and only about 10% great book. The crazy thing...very few people in the publishing world understand that. Promote A Book does. We’re about you, your book, and the best-seller lists. Period. We’ve already created 124 best sellers. (December, 2022)

Will your book be next?


Your Book As A Promotional Tool

Having a book in print gives you a certain amount of credibility and visibility. Let’s face it: authors who have published books — however dull or unprofessional-looking — tend to get the speaking engagements over those who haven’t published books. Similarly, those who have authored national best sellers can command higher fees for their speaking or services than those who have not. For gaining the national spotlight — and the opportunity to talk about your products or services — nothing beats a best-selling book.

Think of your book as an over-sized company brochure or business card. Think of it as a tool for building credibility or visibility. Think of it as a profit center or as a persuasive sales presentation for unknown customers.

Your book can be any or all of these things. In the hands of its intended audience, your book generates business, revenue, and exposure.


How Will You Measure Success?

As it pertains to your book or your business, what will cause you to “pop the cork” and celebrate your accomplishments? Fame? Fortune? Making a difference in people’s lives? Once you have that celebration party, what will you have just accomplished? Regardless of how you answer that question, Promote A Book can help.

If you can imagine your book as a best seller, and if you have certain un-leveraged assets, Promote A Book can give your book its very best shot at making the best sellers lists.

And doing that could, well, make you famous.

Turning the book you already have into the best seller might be the single most important business decision you ever make.

Are you ready to make that decision?


What People Are Saying

Garrett Gunderson

Michael’s book outlining process is essential for anyone writing a book. I have used it with people that have spent months trying to build their outline and had them break through and finish in this simple and fast process. It saved me months of torture on my most recent book.

Garrett Gunderson

Author of the bestseller Killing Sacred Cows

Vishen Lakhiani

Michael Drew’s book outlining process is brilliant. I had him run the exercise with my entire management team. In a mere minutes, I was able to churn out more creativity, focused thinking, and insights than I believed possible. The genius of the process lies in the way Drew gets us to shut off the logical interruptions from our left brain allowing our creativity and insights to shine.

Vishen Lakhiani

Founder Mindvalley

Mark Effinger

Michael Drew’s Book Outlining process is proven. Fast. Effective. And Mandatory. Want to play with the Big Boys? This is the proven path to lifelong readership. In one hour with Michael you will be seeing your book with crystal clarity. Save yourself years of stumbling around in the dark. Michael Drew shines a beacon of light on book authoring.

Mark Effinger


The Services for Non-Fiction Authors Serious About Their Book AND Business Success

While our services are ideal solutions for the right client, they’re not for everybody, including those who wish merely to buy their way onto a best seller list (we don’t do that kind of work, nor work with those kinds of people) or for fiction authors, who really require different services than ours.

The following services work best for non-fiction authors who see the big picture and are willing to commit to making their book a success.


An Uncovery is a strategic planning session where we plan your book campaign and create a roadmap to your publishing success. This is an ideal Promote-A-Book engagement if you’re on the fence about a New York Times Best Seller Campaign or if you’re interested in our beyond-the-book Platform Building services. Cost of the Uncovery can be applied to follow-on NYT Best Seller campaign.

Price: $20,000


SUCCESS bestseller

Become a national bestseller. This service is perfect for authors just getting started or who want to make a name for themselves without breaking the bank.

Price: $35,000


New York Times Best-Seller

Becoming a New York Times bestselling author reflects the pinnacle of publishing success. This service requires the use of a traditional publisher or co-publisher model with distribution to traditional bookstores as well as an already-established network and promotional platform and a minimum year-long commitment. All NYT Best Seller Campaigns begin with an Uncovery and proceed from there.

Price: $35,000 upfront + $60,000 in bonuses
(client agrees to meet all 5 NYT standards)


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